Sunday, August 21, 2011

Where are my dues going?

Although joining the Boston AOII Alumnae Chapter is lots of fun, you may be wondering what your $50 ($34 for Life Loyal and $15 for First Year's on Us). Here's a quick run-down:
  • Operating Fees- This part of your dues helps keep IHQ running and providing great resources for all members.
  • Education and Training Fees- Wondering how AOII is able to put on awesome events like Convention and Leadership Institute? You're making it possible!
  • Technology Fee- As we become less paper-centric, chapters (collegiate and alumnae) have increased technology needs.
  • Local Dues- This part of your dues allows us to plan awesome events, give alumnae members discounted prices for things like Founder's Day, etc.
In addition to dues, we supplement the money coming into the alumnae chapter with good, old-fashioned fundraising. You can help by supporting our gift card program: Purchase gift cards for places that you frequent every day (Whole Foods, Target, Starbucks), and the Alumnae Chapter receives a percentage of your purchase. Visit Shop With Scrip to see all the companies that are offered. For more information, email OR talk to someone at one of our next events!

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