Monday, March 12, 2012

Be a Panda Pal for Bryant University!!

If you are looking for a great way to get involved, the new AOII colony at Bryant University in Rhode Island is looking for alumnae women to serve as Panda Pals for colony members during the new member period!

To participate, contact Kathleen Donahue to complete an easy 5-question survey and you will be matched with one of their fabulous colony members!

WHO: They are looking for alumnae women living in Network 1 (ON, QC, ME, VT, NH, MA, CT, RI, NY, NJ, PA, DE) to volunteer to serve as Panda Pals for the 37 new colony members at Bryant University.

WHAT: Panda pals will donate $5 towards the purchase of a panda pal gift for the colony member (viewable here: and write at least 2 letters or postcards to their assigned colony member. Letters ideally would focus on telling a story reinforcing the idea of AOII for a lifetime. The first letter would be delivered during the new member period and the second would be delivered prior to initiation.

WHEN: Please mail a $5 check made out to AOII and your first letter and have it postmarked by Tuesday March 20th.Your second letter to be distributed before initiation should be postmarked by Tuesday April 3rd. All letters/postcards should be mailed to Amy Simonini, Colony Adviser, 43 Monticelli DR W. Kingston, RI, 02892.

I hope that many of you will wish to participate!

1 comment:

  1. Can you post the contact information for Kathleen Donahue?
