Saturday, March 27, 2010

Elections Time!

Hello Ladies,

It's elections time again! All 2009-2010 dues-paying members should have received information about the election process this past week. As a reminder, if you'd like to be considered for an officer role, please email us ( by April 9th. The offices available are President, Vice President, Treasurer, Programming, and Secretary/Historian/ MIF Chair.

Additionally, we decided at our last officer meeting to create a new officer role for the 2010-2011 year. To further enhance our relations with our local collegiate chapter, we have created a Collegiate Liaison. This office is open to a 2010 graduate of Delta Chapter at Tufts University, who is interested in joining the Alumnae Chapter executive board while maintaining relations with their collegiate chapter. They will help plan joint events and keep communication lines open between the two chapters. We are very excited about this new office!


Lacey Bowman, Alumnae Chapter President

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